Heavenly Shift

Boží šichta

Section: EuroCrime
Heavenly Shift / Isteni műszak
Director: Márk Bodzár
2013 / 100 min. / Hungarian version with Czech and English subtitles
Cast: András Ötvös, Roland Rába, Tamás Keresztes, Sándor Zsótér, Natasa Stork


Young Milan escapes from the war-ridden Balkans to Budapest where, because of his medical school experience, he lands a job as a medic in a night ambulance. As it turns out, the Hippocratic oath is just meaningless words to his two colleagues, who operate a profitable business, subsidised by the funeral industry, and based on the corpse trade. Milan is now faced with a dilemma – follow his conscience or take the money that can help him bring his girlfriend to Hungary. This thoroughly black crime-comedy debut from Mark Bodzsar is clearly inspired by Tarantino's explicitness and the Coen brothers' cynicism.

Awards: CinÉast Luxembourg 2013: Special Prize

Contact: EEAP - Eastern European Acquisition Pool GmbH, Alexanderstrasse 7, D-10178 Berlin, Germany, T.: +49 302 576 2330, www.eeap.de



Světozor (Prague) Koupit vstupenku 16.4. Wed 20:30
Lucerna (Prague) - Small hall 12.4. Sat 18:30
Měšťanská beseda (Plzeň) 23.4. Wed 19:00
Centrum (Havířov) 26.4. Sat 18:00

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